New research
This section of the Wiki highlights new (2020- ) research publications relevant to the management of water and related resources in the Colorado River Basin: peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, agency reports, and other documents.
Below, these publications are listed by year of publication and organized by topic. Some publications are listed under more than one topic. A stable link to the online publication is provided at the end of each listing; for journal articles, the link goes to the article's homepage at the publisher's website.
A note on paywalls: While open access research has become much more prevalent in recent years, many of the journal articles listed below sit behind paywalls. If you don't have personal or institutional access to that journal/article, you will only be able to view the abstract; viewing or downloading the full text requires a payment (typically exorbitant). If that happens, first, enter the title of the article in Google Scholar and check if a PDF has been posted elsewhere on the web by an author or other person. If one hasn't been posted, then look at the top of the article's homepage for the corresponding author (not always the first author), and email that person to obtain a copy.
Selected publications whose titles are bold links below have a dedicated page on this Wiki.
Wiki library
All of the new (2020- ) publications listed below, plus another 400+ earlier publications that were used as references for the 2020 CRB State of the Science report, can also be viewed in this searchable online database (a Zotero library).
The library allows users to view the bibliographic information like shown below, plus the abstract for many publications, and to search by author, year, or keyword. Links are provided to the vast majority of these publications; for journal articles, the link goes to the article's homepage at the publisher's website, where users may encounter a paywall.
Graves, B. P., Ralph, T. J., and Morgan, A. M. (2025). Channel breakdown and avulsion in arroyos feeding the Little Colorado River, Arizona, USA. Geomorphology, 468, 109501.
Puente, P., Rajagopalan, B., and Condon, L. E. (2025). Understanding the temporal variability and predictability of streamflow signatures in the Colorado River Basin. Journal of Hydrology, 648, 132386.
Reclamation. (2025). Alternatives Report: Post-2026 Operational Guidelines and Strategies for Lake Powell and Lake Mead (p. 46). Bureau of Reclamation Upper and Lower Colorado Basin Regions.
Robison, J. A. (2025). Relational River: Arizona v. Navajo Nation & the Colorado. UCLA Law Review, 72, 87.
Weather and climate
Bolinger, R. A., Lukas, J. J., Schumacher, R. S., and Goble, P. E. (2024). Climate Change in Colorado, 3rd edition. Colorado State University,
Dhital, S., Webb, N. P., Chappell, A., et al. (2024). Synoptic Analysis and WRF-Chem Model Simulation of Dust Events in the Southwestern United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(13), e2023JD040650.
Heflin, S., Abel, M., Biswas, S., et al. (2024). X-Band Radar and Surface-Based Observations of Cold-Season Precipitation in Western Colorado’s Complex Terrain. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 25(10), 1501–1523.
Hogan, D., and Lundquist, J. D. (2024). Recent Upper Colorado River Streamflow Declines Driven by Loss of Spring Precipitation. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(16), e2024GL109826.
Horel, J. D., and Powell, J. T. (2024). Analysis and Prediction of Summer Rainfall over Southwestern Utah. Weather and Forecasting, 39(7), 1007–1021.
Johnson, Z. F., Stuivenvolt-Allen, J., Mahan, H., and Meyer, J. D. D. (2024). Upper Colorado River Streamflow Dependencies on Summertime Synoptic Circulations and Hydroclimate Variability. J. Hydrometeorology, 25(2), 277–292.
Kim, T., and Villarini, G. (2024). Projected changes in daily precipitation, temperature and wet-bulb temperature across Arizona using statistically downscaled CMIP6 climate models. International Journal of Climatology, 44(6), 1994–2010.
King, K. E., Cook, E. R., Anchukaitis, K. J., et al. (2024). Increasing prevalence of hot drought across western North America since the 16th century. Science Advances, 10(4), eadj4289.
LaPlante, M. D., Deng, L., Dalanhese, L., and Wang, S.-Y. (2024). Ocean Temperatures Do Not Account for a Record-Setting Winter in the U.S. West. Atmosphere, 15(3), 284.
Lawrence, D., Tercek, M., Runyon, A., and Wright, J. (2024). Historical and projected climate change for Grand Canyon National Park and surrounding areas. National Park Service.
Lehner, F. (2024). Climate model large ensembles as test beds for applied compound event research. iScience, 27(11), 111113.
Salamanca-Palou, F., Svoma, B., Walter, J., et al. (2024). Modeling Salt-Verde Watershed Winter Precipitation Using Convection-Permitting WRF-Simulations With Water Vapor Tracers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(12), e2024JD041029.
Simpson, I. R., McKinnon, K. A., Kennedy, D., et al. (2024). Observed humidity trends in dry regions contradict climate models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(1), e2302480120.
Wallace, B., and Minder, J. R. (2024). The North American Monsoon precipitation response to climate warming at convection-permitting scales. Climate Dynamics, 62(1), 497–524.
Zhuang, Y., Fu, R., Lisonbee, J., et al. (2024). Anthropogenic warming has ushered in an era of temperature-dominated droughts in the western United States. Science Advances, 10(45), eadn9389, 1–13.
Hydrology and water availability
Babey, T., Perzan, Z., Pierce, S., et al. (2024). Mountainous Floodplain Connectivity in Response to Hydrological Transitions. Water Resources Research, 60(7), e2024WR037162. --- Carroll, R. W. H., Niswonger, R. G., Ulrich, C., et al. (2024). Declining groundwater storage expected to amplify mountain streamflow reductions in a warmer world. Nature Water, 2(5), 419–433. --- Cederstrom, C. J., Vivoni, E. R., Mascaro, G., and Svoma, B. (2024). Forest Treatment Effects on Watershed Responses Under Warming. Water Resources Research, 60(6), e2023WR035627.
Dwivedi, R., Biederman, J. A., Broxton, P. D., et al. (2024). How three-dimensional forest structure regulates the amount and timing of snowmelt across a climatic gradient of snow persistence. Frontiers in Water, 6, 1374961.
Gan, Y., Zhang, Y., Kongoli, C., and Pan, M. (2024). The Role of Forcing and Parameterization in Improving Snow Simulation in the Upper Colorado River Basin Using the National Water Model. Water Resources Research, 60(8), e2023WR035303.
Gold, D. F., Gupta, R. S., and Reed, P. M. (2024). Exploring the Spatially Compounding Multi-Sectoral Drought Vulnerabilities in Colorado’s West Slope River Basins. Earth’s Future, 12(11), e2024EF004841.
Hoerling, M. P., Eischeid, J. K., Diaz, H. F., Rajagopolan, B., and Kuhn, E. (2024). Critical Effects of Precipitation on Future Colorado River Flow. Journal of Climate.
Hogan, D., and Lundquist, J. D. (2024). Recent Upper Colorado River Streamflow Declines Driven by Loss of Spring Precipitation. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(16), e2024GL109826.
Johnson, Z. F., Stuivenvolt-Allen, J., Mahan, H., and Meyer, J. D. D. (2024). Upper Colorado River Streamflow Dependencies on Summertime Synoptic Circulations and Hydroclimate Variability. J. Hydrometeorology, 25(2), 277–292.
Lundquist, J. D., Vano, J., Gutmann, E., et al. (2024). Sublimation of Snow. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
McCabe, G. J., Wolock, D. M., & Gangopadhyay, S. (2024). Past and Projected Future Droughts in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(5), e2023GL107978.
Palmquist, E. C., Deemer, B. R., Metcalfe, A. N., et al. (2024). eZ flow metrics: Using z-scores to estimate deviations from natural flow in the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam. River Research and Applications.
Pokharel, B., Jagannathan, K. A., Wang, S. ‐Y. S., et al. (2024). Can we rely on drought‐ending “miracles” in the Colorado River Basin? JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1752-1688.13204.
Salehabadi, H., Tarboton, D. G., Wheeler, K. G., Smith, R., and Baker, S. (2024). Quantifying and Classifying Streamflow Ensembles Using a Broad Range of Metrics for an Evidence‐Based Analysis: Colorado River Case Study. Water Resources Research, 60(7), e2024WR037225.
Schulz, E. Y., Morrison, R. R., Bailey, R. T., et al. (2024). River corridor beads are important areas of floodplain-groundwater exchange within the Colorado River headwaters watershed. Hydrological Processes, 38(9), e15282.
Sprenger, M., Carroll, R. W. H., Marchetti, D., et al. (2024). Stream water sourcing from high-elevation snowpack inferred from stable isotopes of water: A novel application of d-excess values. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28(7), 1711–1723.
Thiros, N. E., Siirila-Woodburn, E. R., Sprenger, M., et al. (2024). Old-aged groundwater contributes to mountain hillslope hydrologic dynamics. Journal of Hydrology, 635, 131193.
Thota, S., Nassar, A., Filali Boubrahimi, S., Hamdi, S. M., and Hosseinzadeh, P. (2024). Enhancing Monthly Streamflow Prediction Using Meteorological Factors and Machine Learning Models in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Hydrology, 11(5), 66.
Vano, J., Petach, T., Deems, J., et al. (2024). A Collaborative, In Situ Mountain Hydrology NASA Test Bed. Prepared for the NASA Terrestrial Hydrology Program. Aspen Global Change Institute.
Wang, Z., Vivoni, E. R., Whitney, K. M., Xiao, M., & Mascaro, G. (2024). On the Sensitivity of Future Hydrology in the Colorado River to the Selection of the Precipitation Partitioning Method. Water Resources Research, 60(6), e2023WR035801.
Wilson, D. C. (2024). Geomorphic features of Lake Havasu with impacts on its water resource capacity. Lake and Reservoir Management, 40(1), 93–108.
Woodson, D., Rajagopalan, B., and Zagona, E. (2024). Long-Lead Forecasting of Runoff Season Flows in the Colorado River Basin Using a Random Forest Approach. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 150(4), 04024005.
Water management, planning, and policy
Bonham, N., Kasprzyk, J., Zagona, E., and Smith, R. (2024). Interactive and Multimetric Robustness Tradeoffs in the Colorado River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 150(3), 05023025.
Bonham, N., Kasprzyk, J., Zagona, E., and Rajagopalan, B. (2024). Subsampling and space-filling metrics to test ensemble size for robustness analysis with a demonstration in the Colorado River Basin. Environmental Modelling & Software, 172, 105933.
Colorado River Research Group. (2024). Active and Passive Water Saving Mechanisms on the Colorado River: Challenges and Opportunities. 4 pp.
Debaere, P., Li, T., Fox, S., et al. (2024). Closing Loopholes in Water Rights Systems to Save Water: The Colorado River Basin. Water Resources Research, 60(8), e2023WR036667.
Hadjimichael, A., Reed, P., Quinn, J., Vernon, C., & Thurber, T. (2024). Scenario storyline discovery for planning in multi‐actor human‐natural systems confronting change. Earth's Future, 12(9).
Joyce, S. (2024). Tribal water sovereignty: Authorizing Indian water marketing in the Colorado Basin. Stanford Law and Policy Review, 35, 165–181.
Kuhn, E. (2024). The Risks and Potential Impacts of a Colorado River Compact Curtailment on Colorado River In-Basin and Transmountain Water Rights Within Colorado. Colorado Environmental Law Journal, 35(2).
Lawless, K. L., Garcia, M., and White, D. D. (2024). Institutional analysis of water governance in the Colorado River Basin, 1922–2022. Frontiers in Water, 6, 1451854.
Lisk, M. D., Grogan, D. S., Zuidema, S., et al. (2024). Harmonized Database of Western U.S. Water Rights (HarDWR) v.1. Scientific Data, 11(1), 598.
Lopez, S. F., Knight, J. E., Tilman, F. D., et al. (2024). Database of surface water diversion sites and daily withdrawals for the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1980–2022. Scientific Data, 11(1), 1266.
Marrinan, E. (2024). One Hundred Years Past, One Hundred Years Forward: The Legacy of the Colorado River Compact. University of Dayton Law Review Vol. 49: No. 2, Article 6.
Perry, D., Swanson, R. K., and Springer, A. E. (2024). Policy deficiencies and contingency plans: Groundwater management implications for baseflow contributions to the Colorado River. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12, 1444015.
Schmidt, J. C., and Fleck, J. (2024). It is Time to Expand the Geography of the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program. White Paper No. 9; Future of the Colorado River Project, 4 pp. Utah State University.
Seay-Fleming, C., Brown, A., Gerlak, A. K., et al. (2024). Engaging farmers in water governance in the Western United States: Lessons from the Colorado River Basin. Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 6(4), 397–409.
Slosson, M. (2024). Force Majeure and the Law of the Colorado River: The Confluence of Climate Change, Contracts, and the Constitution. University of Colorado Law Review, 95(3), 709–750.
Terando, A., Tucker, A., Runyon, A., et al. (2024). Best Practices for Incorporating Climate Change Science into Department of Interior Analyses, Consultations, and Decision Making. Climate Adaptation Science Centers.
Universal Access to Clean Water for Tribal Communities (UACW). (2024). Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act Funding Handbook for Access to Clean Drinking Water by Native American Tribes.
Volk, J. M., Huntington, J. L., Melton, F. S., et al. (2024). Assessing the accuracy of OpenET satellite-based evapotranspiration data to support water resource and land management applications. Nature Water, 1–13.
Wahal, A., Mendenhall, E., and Giordano, M. (2024). Water in the West: Analyzing the disconnect between farmers’ and policymakers’ perceptions of Colorado River Basin shortages in Arizona. Journal of Rural Studies, 111, 103398.
Yates, D., Szinai, J. K., and Jones, A. D. (2024). Modeling the Water Systems of the Western US to Support Climate‐Resilient Electricity System Planning. Earth’s Future, 12(1).
Water use
Busse, M. M., McKibben, M. A., Stringfellow, W., Dobson, P., and Stokes-Draut, J. R. (2024). Impact of geothermal expansion and lithium extraction in the Salton Sea known geothermal resource area (SS-KGRA) on local water resources. Environmental Research Letters, 19(10), 104011. --- Harris, L. (2024). Farmer response to policy induced water reductions: Evidence from the Colorado River. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 125, 102986.
Richter, B. D., Lamsal, G., Marston, L., et al. (2024). New water accounting reveals why the Colorado River no longer reaches the sea. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 134.
Ruddell, B. L., and Rushforth, R. (2024). Water productivity is in the eye of the beholder: Benchmarking the multiple values produced by water use in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28(4), 1089–1106.
Wobus, C., Nash, C., Culp, P. W., Kelly, M., and Kennedy, K. (2024). Simplified agricultural water use accounting in the Colorado River basin using OpenET. Environmental Research Letters.
Water quality and sediment
Bouskill, N. J., Newcomer, M., Carroll, R. , et al. (2024). A Tale of Two Catchments: Causality Analysis and Isotope Systematics Reveal Mountainous Watershed Traits That Regulate the Retention and Release of Nitrogen. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129(3), e2023JG007532. --- Grams, P. E., Topping, D. J., Salter, G., et al. (2024). Implementation of Controlled Floods for Sediment Management on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon Under Aridification. River Research and Applications, n/a.
Griffiths, R.E., Topping, D.J., and Unema, J.A. (2024). Changes in sand storage in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park from July 2017 through June 2020: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2023–1093, 9 p.,
Kemper, J. T., Knox, R., Raffae, M., Schulz, E., Bailey, R., Morrison, R. R., and Wohl, E. (2024). Estimating catchment-scale sediment storage in a large river basin, Colorado River, USA. River Research and Applications, rra.4300.
Manning, A. H., Petach, T. N., Runkel, R. L., and McKnight, D. M. (2024). Climate‐Driven Increases in Stream Metal Concentrations in Mineralized Watersheds Throughout the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA. Water Resources Research, 60, 19.
Miller, O. L., Putman, A. L., Smith, R. A., et al. (2024). Temporal variability in irrigated land and climate influences on salinity loading across the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1986-2017. Environmental Research Letters, 19(2), 024008.
Putman, A. L., McIlwain, H. E., Rumsey, C. A., and Marston, T. M. (2024). Low flows from drought and water use reduced total dissolved solids fluxes in the Lower Colorado River Basin between 1976 to 2008. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 52, 101673.
Ridgway, P., Lane, B., Canham, H., et al. (2024). Wildfire, extreme precipitation and debris flows, oh my! Channel response to compounding disturbances in a mountain stream in the Upper Colorado Basin, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(12), 3855–3872.
Tyree, G. L., Chappell, A., Villarreal, M. L., Dhital, S., Duniway, M. C., Edwards, B. L., Faist, A. M., Nauman, T. W., & Webb, N. P. (2024). Oil and gas development influences potential for dust emission from the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(11), 3292–3307.
Ecosystems and environment
Baniya, A., Goldy, C. J., Ardpairin, J., et al. (2024). Canine Schistosomiasis in the West Coast: Heterobilharzia americana in Two Natural Intermediate Hosts Found in the Colorado River, California. Pathogens, 13(3), 245.
Bernard, R. F., and Minckley, T. A. (2024). Flying by the river side: Survey of bat distributions and environmental contexts along a 1000-mile river corridor, Green and Colorado Rivers, USA. Diversity and Distributions, 30(5), e13842.
Boyer, J. K., Fonken, D. R., and Rogowski, D. L. (2024). Why new scientific information is important for native fish conservation: A case study from the humpback chub (Gila cypha) in the Grand Canyon, U.S.A. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34(1), e4075.
Butterfield, B. J., and Palmquist, E. C. (2024). Divergent physiological responses of hydric and mesic riparian plant species to a Colorado River experimental flow. Plant Ecology, 225(2), 125-133.
Cavallaro, M. C., and Schumann, D. A. (2024). Utility of artificial river reef structures to enhance fish habitat below a hydropeaking dam. River Research and Applications.
Fairfax, E., Whipple, A., Wheaton, J. M., et al. (2024). Impacts of beaver dams on riverscape burn severity during megafires in the Rocky Mountain region, western United States. In J. L. Florsheim, A. P. O’Dowd, and A. Chin, Biogeomorphic Responses to Wildfire in Fluvial Ecosystems (pp. 131–151). Geological Society of America.
Giardina, M., Korman, J., Yard, M. D., et al. (2024). A literature review and hypsometric analysis to support decisions on trout management flows on the Colorado River downstream from Glen Canyon Dam (Report 2024–1033; Open-File Report, 50 pp.). US Geological Survey.
Gilbert, E. I., Diver, T. A., Mussmann, S. M., et al. (2024). Why Is It Too Cold? Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Cold-Water Pollution Effects on Recruitment of an Imperiled Warmwater Fish. Molecular Ecology, n/a(n/a), e17588.
González-Sargas, E., Gómez-Sapiens, M., Hinojosa-Huerta, O., et al. (2024). Avian communities respond to plant and landscape composition in actively revegetated floodplains of the Colorado River delta in Mexico. Ecological Engineering, 205, 107266.
González-Sargas, E., Meehan, T. D., Hinojosa-Huerta, O., et al. (2024). Bird community response to one decade of riparian restoration along the Colorado River delta in Mexico. Ecological Engineering, 205, 107291.
Grand, J., Meehan, T. D., DeLuca, W. V., Morton, J., Pitt, J., et al., (2024). Strategic restoration planning for land birds in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico. Journal of Environmental Management, 351, 119755.
Hedden, C., Rogowski, D. L., Boyer, J., and Mason-Sarantopulos, L. (2024). Temporal Patterns of Fish Occurrence in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon in Response to Temperature, Largescale Drought, and Newly Exposed Habitat. River Research and Applications.
Hodge, B. W., Henderson, R., and Brehme, C. E. (2024). Stream Restoration Effects on Habitat and Abundance of Native Cutthroat Trout. River Research and Applications.
Magruder, A. C., Barrile, G. M., Siddons, S., Walrath, J., and Walters, A. W. (2024). Seasonal movements between main stem and tributaries may facilitate the persistence of Roundtail Chub and Flannelmouth Sucker within an altered stream system. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 153(5), 644–659.
Marsh, P. C., Dowling, T. E., Turner, T. F., Osborne, M. J., and Kesner, B. R. (2024). Maturation of an off-channel habitat concept to conserve native fishes in the Lower Colorado River. Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist, 15.
Mussmann, S. M. (2024). Assembly and annotation of a chromosome-level reference genome for the endangered Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius). G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 14(11), jkae217.
Nagler, P. L., Sall, I., Gomez-Sapiens, M., et al. (2024). Greenness and Actual Evapotranspiration in the Unrestored Riparian Corridor of the Colorado River Delta in Response to In-Channel Water Deliveries in 2021 and 2022. Remote Sensing, 16(10), 1801.
Nagler, P. L., Sall, I., Gómez‐Sapiens, M. et al. (2024). Effect of water delivery and irrigation for riparian restoration in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico. Restoration Ecology, e14226.
Perkins, D. W., Wight, A., Wondzell, M., and Friedman, J. M. (2024). Riparian Vegetated Area in Pre-Dam, Post-Dam, and Environmental Flow Periods in Canyonlands National Park From 1940 to 2022. River Research and Applications.
Riepe, T. B., Hooley-Underwood, Z. E., and Johnson, M. (2024). Thermal Tolerance of Larval Flannelmouth Sucker Catostomus latipinnis Acclimated to Three Temperatures. Fishes, 9(5), 181.
Smith, D. M., and Friggens, M. M. (2024). Co-production of a vulnerability assessment for aquatic and riparian ecosystems in the southwestern United States. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 60(6), 1293–1312.
Srinivasan, J., Holway, J., and Sabo, J. L. (2024). A framework for river recovery in Anthropocene rivers undergoing regime shift: Application to the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. In Resilience and Riverine Landscapes (pp. 519–544). Elsevier.
Thaxton, R., Scott, M. L., Kemper, J. T., Rathburn, S. L., Butzke, S., & Friedman, J. M. (2024). Downstream decreases in water availability, tree height, canopy volume and growth rate in cottonwood forests along the Green River, southwestern USA. Ecohydrology, 17(7), e2693.
Societal and economic issues
Blevins, S., Hansen, K. M., Paige, G. B., MacKinnon, A., & Bastian, C. T. (2024). Economic Evaluation of Water Management Alternatives in the Upper Green River Basin of Wyoming. Water, 16(12), 1685. --- Frisvold, G. B., and Atla, J. (2024). Agricultural Economic Water Productivity Differences across Counties in the Colorado River Basin. Hydrology, 11(8), 125.
Huizar, L., Díaz, S., Lansey, K., and Arnold, R. (2024). Economic Impacts of the 2019 Drought Contingency Plan in the Lower Colorado River Basin: Water, Energy, and Recreation. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 150(4), 04024004.
Kaczmarski, J. I., & Jones, B. A. (2024). The marginal generation and emissions impacts of purchased hydropower: Evidence from the Colorado River Storage Project. Energy Economics, 138, 107816.
Srinivasan, J., Holway, J., and Sabo, J. L. (2024). A framework for river recovery in Anthropocene rivers undergoing regime shift: Application to the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. In Resilience and Riverine Landscapes (pp. 519–544). Elsevier.
Weather and climate
Bass, B., Goldenson, N., Rahimi, S., Hall, A. (2023). Aridification of Colorado River Basin’s Snowpack Regions Has Driven Water Losses Despite Ameliorating Effects of Vegetation. Water Resources Research, 59, e2022WR033454.
Hammond, J. C., Sexstone, G. A., Putman, A. L., et al. (2023). High Resolution SnowModel Simulations Reveal Future Elevation‐Dependent Snow Loss and Earlier, Flashier Surface Water Input for the Upper Colorado River Basin. Earth's Future, 11(2), e2022EF003092.
Kuo, Y., Kim, H., & Lehner, F. (2023). Anthropogenic Aerosols Contribute to the Recent Decline in Precipitation Over the U.S. Southwest. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(23), e2023GL105389.
McEvoy, D., and Hatchett, B. (2023). Spring Heat Waves Drive Record Western United States Snow Melt in 2021. Environmental Research Letters, 18(1):014007.
Rudisill, W., Flores, A., and Carroll, R. (2023). Evaluating Three Decades of Precipitation in the Upper Colorado River Basin from a High-Resolution Regional Climate Model. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 2023, 1-31.
Stone, L., Strong, C., Bai, H., Reichler, T., McCabe, G., and Brooks, P. D. (2023). Atlantic-Pacific influence on western U.S. hydroclimate and water resources. Npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6(1), 139.
Whitney, K., Vivoni, E., Bohn, T. et al. (2023). Spatial Attribution of Declining Colorado River Streamflow under Future Warming. Journal of Hydrology, 129125.
Xu, Z., Siirila-Woodburn, E. R., Rhoades, A. M., and Feldman, D. (2023). Sensitivities of subgrid-scale physics schemes, meteorological forcing, and topographic radiation in atmosphere-through-bedrock integrated process models: a case study in the Upper Colorado River basin. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27(9), 1771-1789.
Hydrology and water availability
de Boer, G., White, A., Cifelli, R., et al. (2023). Supporting advancement in weather and water prediction in the upper Colorado River Basin: The SPLASH campaign. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104(10), E1853-E1874.
Currier, W., Wood, A., Mizukami, N., et al. (2023). Vegetation representation influences projected streamflow changes in the Colorado River Basin. Journal of Hydrometeorology.
Gianniny, G., and Schmidt, J. C. (2023). Dewatered Rivers of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Center for Colorado River Studies.
Goble, P. E., and Schumacher, R. S. (2023). On the Sources of Water Supply Forecast Error in Western Colorado. Journal of Hydrometeorology 24(12):2321–32.
Hadjimichael, A., Yoon, J., Reed, P., et al. (2023). Exploring the Consistency of Water Scarcity Inferences between Large-Scale Hydrologic and Node-Based Water System Model Representations of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 149(2):04022081.
Heldmyer, A. J., Bjarke, N. R., and Livneh, B. (2023). A 21st‐Century perspective on snow drought in the Upper Colorado River Basin. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 59(2), 396-415.
Hosseinzadeh, P., Ayman N., Soukaina F., and Shah M.. (2023). ML-Based Streamflow Prediction in the Upper Colorado River Basin Using Climate Variables Time Series Data. Hydrology 10(2):29.
Lachniet, M. S., Du, X., Dee, S., et al. (2023). Elevated Grand Canyon groundwater recharge during the warm Early Holocene. Nature Geoscience, 16(10), 915–921.
Lynker. (2023). Colorado Airborne Snow Measurement Program: Water Year 2022 Streamflow Forecast Review. Report to Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, June 2023, 63 pp.
Whitney, K., Vivoni, E., Bohn, T. et al. (2023). Spatial Attribution of Declining Colorado River Streamflow under Future Warming. Journal of Hydrology, 129125.
Whitney, K. M., Vivoni, E. R., Wang, Z., et al. (2023). A Stakeholder-Engaged Approach to Anticipating Forest Disturbance Impacts in the Colorado River Basin under Climate Change. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 149(7), 04023020.
Zhao, S., Fu, R., Anderson, M., et al. (2023). Extended Seasonal Prediction of Spring Precipitation over the Upper Colorado River Basin. Climate Dynamics 60(5):1815–29.
Water management, planning, and policy
Craig, R. K. (2023). California Exceptionalism in the Colorado River: A Brief History and Implications for the Future. University of Southern California, USC Law Legal Studies Paper No. 23-8. https://doi:10.2139/ssrn.4420426.
Dahm, K., Hawbaker, T., Frus, R et al. (2023). Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology Project—Science strategy: U.S. Geological Survey (Circular 1502). U.S. Geological Survey.
Deemer, B. R., Andrews, C. M., Strock, et al. (2023). Over half a century record of limnology data from Lake Powell, desert southwest United States: From reservoir filling to present day (1964–2021). Limnology and Oceanography Letters.
East, A. E., and Grant, G. E. (2023). A watershed moment for western US dams. Water Resources Research, 59(10), e2023WR035646.
Grigg, N. S. (2023). Colorado River Basin: Conflict management under hydrologic stress and institutional gridlock. International Journal of River Basin Management. 1-17.
Hannoun, D., and Tietjen, T. (2023). Lake management under severe drought: Lake Mead, Nevada/Arizona. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 59(2), 416–428.
Herman-Mercer, N., Bair, L., Hines, et al. (2023). Human factors used to estimate and forecast water supply and demand in the Upper Colorado River Basin (No. 2023-5015). US Geological Survey.
MacDonnell, Lawrence J. (2023). The 1922 Colorado River Compact at 100. Western Legal History, 33(1).
Pflugfelder, E. H., Amidon, T. R., Sackey, D. J., and Richards, D. P. (2023). Expanding the Scope and Scale of Risk in TPC: Water Access and the Colorado River Basin. Technical Communication Quarterly, 1-18.
Schmidt, J. C., Yackulic, C. B., and Kuhn, E. (2023). The Colorado River water crisis: Its origin and the future. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, e1672.
Srinivasan, J., and Schoon, M. (2023). Recovery or continued resuscitation? A clinical diagnosis of Colorado River sub-basin recovery programs. Ecology and Society, 28(1):5.
Whitney, K. M., Vivoni, E. R., Wang, Z., et al. (2023). A Stakeholder-Engaged Approach to Anticipating Forest Disturbance Impacts in the Colorado River Basin under Climate Change. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 149(7), 04023020.
Whitney, K. M., Vivoni, E. R., and White, D. D. (2023). Enhancing the accessibility and interactions of regional hydrologic projections for water managers. Environmental Modelling & Software, 167, 105763.
Water use
Hernández-Cruz, A., Sandoval-Solís, S., Mendoza-Espinosa, L. G., et al. (2023). Assessing Water Management Strategies under Water Scarcity in the Mexican Portion of the Colorado River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 149(9),
McCoy, A., Pitt, J., Keaton Wilson, J. et al. (2023). A Survey of the Bureau of Reclamation’s Decree Accounting Reports in the Lower Colorado River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 149(3).
Richter, B. (2023). Decoupling Urban Water Use from Population Growth in the Colorado River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 149(2), 04022082. [see the Municipal water use page for a link to the study data]
Rubio-Velázquez, J., Loaiciga, H. A., and Lopez-Carr, D. (2023). Human-induced resource scarcity in the Colorado River Basin and Its implications for water supply and the environment in the Mexicali Valley Transboundary Aquifer. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 113(5), 1172-1189.
Water quality and sediment
Day, N. (2023). Characterization of streamflow and nutrient occurrence in the upper White River Basin, Colorado, 1980–2020 (No. 2022-5112). U.S. Geological Survey.
Adjovu, G. E., Stephen, H., and Ahmad, S. (2023). Spatiotemporal Variability in Total Dissolved Solids and Total Suspended Solids along the Colorado River. Hydrology, 10(6), 125.
Krolczyk, E., and J. C. Schmidt. 2023. Sediment Delivery to Lake Powell and Lake Mead. Center for Colorado River Studies, Utah State University.
Ecosystems and environment
Healy, B. D., and Omana Smith, E. (2023). Quantifying the contributions of tributaries to large‐river fish populations through mark‐recapture modeling. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, nafm.10971.
Hendrick, M., Zajchowski, C., Rose, J. et al. (2023). Do Rising Flows Lift All Boats? Ecosystem Services Elasticity in the Dolores River Watershed. Human Ecology 51(1):173–83.
Kluender, E., and Bestgen, K. (2023). A Small Warm Tributary Provides Prespawning Resources for Colorado Pikeminnow in a Cold Dam-Regulated River. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.
Nagler, P., Barreto-Muñoz, A., Sall, I. et al. (2023). Riparian Plant Evapotranspiration and Consumptive Use for Selected Areas of the Little Colorado River Watershed on the Navajo Nation. Remote Sensing 15(1):52.
Srinivasan, J., and Schoon, M. (2023). Recovery or continued resuscitation? A clinical diagnosis of Colorado River sub-basin recovery programs. Ecology and Society, 28(1).
Jackson, S. K. V., Pilkington, L. H., Berghel, K. M., Chiquoine, L. P., and Abella, S. R. (2023). Seed banks and seed survival of submersion for an emerging plant invader in the Colorado River system, USA. River Research and Applications.
St. Andre, N., Roeder, B., and Belk, M. C. (2023). Effects of quagga mussel invasion on trophic niche of fishes in a western USA reservoir: a test for a trophic cascade and corresponding niche shift. Hydrobiologia, 850(1), 109-121.
Societal and economic issues
Hendrick, M., Zajchowski, C., Rose, J. et al. (2023). Do Rising Flows Lift All Boats? Ecosystem Services Elasticity in the Dolores River Watershed. Human Ecology 51(1):173–83.
Richter, B. (2023). Decoupling Urban Water Use from Population Growth in the Colorado River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 149(2), 04022082. [see the Municipal water use page for a link to the study data]
Rubio-Velázquez, J., Loaiciga, H., and Lopez-Carr, D. (2023). Human-Induced Resource Scarcity in the Colorado River Basin and Its Implications for Water Supply and the Environment in the Mexicali Valley Transboundary Aquifer. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 1–18.
Wescoat Jr., J. L. (2023). Institutional levels of water management in the Colorado River basin region: A macro-historical geographic review. Frontiers in Water, 4, 1024055.
Weather and climate
Biederman, J. A., Robles, M. D., Scott, R. L., and Knowles, J. F. (2022). Streamflow Response to Wildfire Differs with Season and Elevation in Adjacent Headwaters of the Lower Colorado River Basin. Water Resources Research, 58(3).
Booker, J. F. (2022). Colorado River Water Use and Climate: Model and Application. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1752-1688.13035.
Feldman, D. R., Worden, M., Falco, N., et al. (2022). Three‐Dimensional Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation Clear‐Sky Effects in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(4).
Gangopadhyay, S., Woodhouse, C. A., McCabe, G. J., Routson, C. C., and Meko, D. M. (2022). Tree Rings Reveal Unmatched 2nd Century Drought in the Colorado River Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(11).
Hoell, A., Quan, X.-W., Hoerling, M., et al. (2022). Record Low North American Monsoon Rainfall in 2020 Reignites Drought over the American Southwest. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(3), S26–S32.
McCoy, A. L., Jacobs, K. L., Vano, J. A., et al. (2022). The Press and Pulse of Climate Change: Extreme Events in the Colorado River Basin. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1752-1688.13021.
Pokharel, B., Jagannathan, K. A., Wang, S.-Y. (Simon), et al. [Preprint: Submitted in April 2022, not yet published]. Drought-busting “miracles” in the Colorado River Basin may become less frequent and less powerful under climate warming. Submitted to Water Resources Research.
Salehabadi, H., Tarboton, D. G., Udall, B., Wheeler, K. G., and Schmidt, J. C. (2022). An Assessment of Potential Severe Droughts in the Colorado River Basin. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1752-1688.13061.
Talsma, C. J., Bennett, K. E., and Vesselinov, V. V. (2022). Characterizing Drought Behavior in the Colorado River Basin Using Unsupervised Machine Learning. Earth and Space Science, 9(5).
Towler, E., Woodson, D., Baker, S., et al. (2022). Incorporating Mid-Term Temperature Predictions into Streamflow Forecasts and Operational Reservoir Projections in the Colorado River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148(4), 04022007.
Wahl, E. R., Zorita, E., Diaz, H. F., and Hoell, A. (2022). Southwestern United States drought of the 21st century presages drier conditions into the future. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1), 202.
Williams, A. P., Cook, B. I., and Smerdon, J. E. (2022). Rapid intensification of the emerging southwestern North American megadrought in 2020–2021. Nature Climate Change, 12(3), 232–234.
Zhang, W., Hari, V., S-Y Wang, S., et al. (2022). Fewer Troughs, Not More Ridges, Have Led to a Drying Trend in the Western United States. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(1), e2021GL097089.
Hydrology and water availability
Bedri, R., and Piechota, T. (2022). Future Colorado River Basin Drought and Surplus. Hydrology, 9(12):227.
Biederman, J. A., Robles, M. D., Scott, R. L., and Knowles, J. F. (2022). Streamflow Response to Wildfire Differs with Season and Elevation in Adjacent Headwaters of the Lower Colorado River Basin. Water Resources Research, 58(3).
Gan, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Kongoli, C., and Grassotti, C. (2022). Assimilation of blended in situ-satellite snow water equivalent into the National Water Model for improving hydrologic simulation in two US river basins. Science of The Total Environment, 838, 156567.
Gangopadhyay, S., Woodhouse, C. A., McCabe, G. J., Routson, C. C., and Meko, D. M. (2022). Tree Rings Reveal Unmatched 2nd Century Drought in the Colorado River Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(11).
Hull, R., Leonarduzzi, E., De La Fuente, L., Tran, H. V., Bennett, A., Melchior, P., Maxwell, R. M., and Condon, L. E. (2022). Using simulation-based inference to determine the parameters of an integrated hydrologic model: A case study from the upper Colorado River basin. Groundwater hydrology/Modelling approaches.
Kampf, S. K., McGrath, D., Sears, M. G., et al. (2022). Increasing wildfire impacts on snowpack in the western U.S. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(39), e2200333119.
Lin, Y., Takano, Y., Gu, Y., et al. (2022). Investigation of Springtime Cloud Influence on Regional Climate and Its Implication in Runoff Decline in Upper Colorado River Basin. Earth and Space Science, 9(1).
McCoy, A. L., Jacobs, K. L., Vano, J. A., et al. (2022). The Press and Pulse of Climate Change: Extreme Events in the Colorado River Basin. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1752-1688.13021.
Meko, D. M., Woodhouse, C. A., and Winitsky, A. G. (2022). Tree‐Ring Perspectives on the Colorado River: Looking Back and Moving Forward. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1752-1688.12989.
Root, J. C., and Jones, D. (2022). Elevation-Area-Capacity Relationships of Lake Powell in 2018 and Estimated Loss of Storage Capacity Since 1963 (Scientific Investigations Report No. 2022–5017; Scientific Investigations Report).
Schmidt, J. C., Bruckerhoff, L., Salehabadi, H., & Wang, J. (2022). The Colorado River. Large Rivers: Geomorphology and Management, Second Edition, 253-319.
Tillman, F. D., Day, N. K., Miller, M. P., et al. (2022). A Review of Current Capabilities and Science Gaps in Water Supply Data, Modeling, and Trends for Water Availability Assessments in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Water, 14(23), 3813.
Tran, H., Zhang, J., O’Neill, M. M., et al. (2022). A hydrological simulation dataset of the Upper Colorado River Basin from 1983 to 2019. Scientific Data, 9(1), 16.
Wang, Z., and Vivoni, E. R. (2022). Individualized and Combined Effects of Future Urban Growth and Climate Change on Irrigation Water Use in Central Arizona. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 58(3):370–87.
Williams, A. P., Livneh, B., McKinnon, K. A., et al. (2022). Growing impact of wildfire on western US water supply. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(10), e2114069119.
Yu, G., Wright, D. B., and Davenport, F. V. (2022). Diverse Physical Processes Drive Upper-Tail Flood Quantiles in the US Mountain West. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(10), e2022GL098855.
Zhang, W., Hari, V., S-Y Wang, S., et al. (2022). Fewer Troughs, Not More Ridges, Have Led to a Drying Trend in the Western United States. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(1), e2021GL097089.
Water management, planning, and policy
Baker, S. A., Wood, A. W., Rajagopalan, B., Prairie, J., Jerla, C., Zagona, E., Butler, R. A., amd Smith, R. (2022). The Colorado River Basin Operational Prediction Testbed: A Framework for Evaluating Streamflow Forecasts and Reservoir Operations. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 58(5), 690–708.
Bruckerhoff, L. A., Wheeler, K., Dibble, K. L., et al. (2022). Water Storage Decisions and Consumptive Use May Constrain Ecosystem Management under Severe Sustained Drought. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 58(5):654–72.
Kuhn, E., and Fleck, J. (2022). “The Consequences of the Compact Remains with Us”: Challenges and Opportunities for the Colorado River Upper Basin. Available at SSRN:
Quay, R., Sternlieb, F., Rauh, E., et al. (2022). Evaluating the effectiveness of land and water integrative practices for achieving water sustainability within the Colorado River Basin: Perceptions and indicators. Water International, 47(2), 257–277.
Schmidt, J. C., Bruckerhoff, L., Salehabadi, H., and Wang, J. (2022). The Colorado River. In A. Gupta (Ed.), Large Rivers: Geomorphology and Management (2nd ed., pp. 253–319). Wiley.
Smith, R., Zagona, E., Kasprzyk, J., et al. (2022). Decision Science Can Help Address the Challenges of Long‐Term Planning in the Colorado River Basin. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1752-1688.12985.
Stewart, C. J. (2022). Understanding Utah’s Transbasin Diversions. Colorado River Fundamentals (fact sheet), Center for Colorado River Studies, Utah State University, 9 pp.
Xiao, Mu, Mascaro G., Wang Z., Whitney, K. M., and Vivoni, E. R. (2022). On the Value of Satellite Remote Sensing to Reduce Uncertainties of Regional Simulations of the Colorado River. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26(21), 5627–5646.
Wheeler, K. G., Udall, B., Wang, J., Kuhn, E., Salehabadi, H., & Schmidt, J. C. (2022). What will it take to stabilize the Colorado River?. Science, 377(6604), 373-375.
Water use
Quay, R., Sternlieb, F., Rauh, E., et al. (2022). Evaluating the effectiveness of land and water integrative practices for achieving water sustainability within the Colorado River Basin: Perceptions and indicators. Water International, 47(2), 257–277.
Stewart, C. J. (2022). Understanding Utah’s Transbasin Diversions. Colorado River Fundamentals (fact sheet), Center for Colorado River Studies, Utah State University, 9 pp.
Wheeler, K. G., Udall, B., Wang, J., Kuhn, E., Salehabadi, H., & Schmidt, J. C. (2022). What will it take to stabilize the Colorado River?. Science, 377(6604), 373-375.
Water quality and sediment
DeHoff, M. (2022). Who is in Charge of the Mud? Natural Resources Journal, 62(2), 325–339.
Kim, S., Kim S., Green, C. H. M., and Jeong, J. (2022). Multivariate Polynomial Regression Modeling of Total Dissolved-Solids in Rangeland Stormwater Runoff in the Colorado River Basin. Environmental Modelling & Software 157:105523.
Reynolds, R. L., Goldstein, H. L., Kokaly, R. F., and Derry, J. (2022). Microplastic Particles in Dust-on-Snow, Upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado Rocky Mountains, 2013–16. Report. 2022–1061. Reston, VA.
Johnson, C., Root, J. C., Hynek, S. A., and Schmidt, J. C. (2022). Sedimentary record of annual-decadal timescale reservoir dynamics: Anthropogenic stratigraphy of Lake Powell, Utah, U.S.A. The Sedimentary Record, 20(1).
García‐Hernández, J., Leyva‐García, G., Aguilera‐Márquez, D., Díaz‐Argumedo, R. E., Santiago‐Serrano, E., and Zamora‐Arroyo, F. (2022). Select Water Quality Parameters during Wet and Dry Conditions in the Colorado River Delta. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1752-1688.13047.
Ecosystems and environment
Comte, L., Olden, J. D., Lischka, S., and Dickson, B. G. (2022). Multi-scale threat assessment of riverine ecosystems in the Colorado River Basin. Ecological Indicators, 138, 108840.
Societal and economic issues
Colby, B. G., and Hansen, H. (2022). Colorado Basin Incentive-Based Urban Water Policies: Review and Evaluation. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 58(6):1098–1115.
Drugova, T., Kynda R. C., and Kim, M. (2022). The Impacts of Drought on Southwest Tribal Economies. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 58(5):639–53.
Duval, D., Bickel, A. K., and Frisvold, G. B. (2022). Effects of Reservoir Levels on Arizona National Recreation Area Visitation, Visitor Spending, and Local Economies. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 58(5):622–38.
Hung, F., Son, K., and Yang, Y. C. E. (2022). Investigating uncertainties in human adaptation and their impacts on water scarcity in the Colorado river Basin, United States. Journal of Hydrology, 612, 128015.
Rushforth, R. R., Zegre, N. P., and Ruddell, B. L. (2022). The Three Colorado Rivers: Hydrologic, Infrastructural, and Economic Flows of Water in a Shared River Basin. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 58(2), 269–281.
Cross-cutting reports
2021 SECURE Water Act reports:
- Gangopadhyay, S., and McGuire, M. (2021). West-Wide Climate and Hydrology Assessment. Technical Memorandum ENV-2021-001, Bureau of Reclamation. 423 pp. [v1.2 - June 2021]
- Reclamation. (2021a). Water Reliability in the West—2021 SECURE Water Act Report. Bureau of Reclamation. 60 pp.
- Reclamation. (2021b). Colorado River Basin—SECURE Water Act Section 9503(c)—Report to Congress. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Interior. 34 pp.
Eppehimer, D., Fard, E., Kemper, J., et al. (2021). Climate adaptation planning to support ecosystems and people in the Gila River Watershed, Arizona (p. 49). Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center.
Weather and climate
Bennett, K. E., Talsma, C., and Boero, R. (2021). Concurrent Changes in Extreme Hydroclimate Events in the Colorado River Basin. Water, 13(7), 978.
Brunner, M. I., Swain, D. L., Gilleland, E., and Wood, A. W. (2021). Increasing importance of temperature as a contributor to the spatial extent of streamflow drought. Environmental Research Letters, 16(2), 024038.
Cook, B. I., Mankin, J. S., Williams, A. P., et al. (2021). Uncertainties, Limits, and Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation for Soil Moisture Drought in Southwestern North America. Earth’s Future, 9(9).
Fowler, H. J., Lenderink, G., Prein, A. F., et al. (2021). Anthropogenic intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, 2(2), 107–122.
Huang, H., Patricola, C. M., Bercos‐Hickey, E., et al. (2021). Sources of Subseasonal‐To‐Seasonal Predictability of Atmospheric Rivers and Precipitation in the Western United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(6).
Mahoney, K., Scott, J. D., Alexander, M., et al. (2021). Cool season precipitation projections for California and the Western United States in NA-CORDEX models. Climate Dynamics, 56(9–10), 3081–3102.
Meyer, J. D. D., Wang, S. ‐Y. S., Gillies, R. R., and Yoon, J. (2021). Evaluating NA‐CORDEX historical performance and future change of western U.S. precipitation patterns and modes of variability. International Journal of Climatology, 41(9), 4509–4532.
Mohsin, M., and Pilz, J. (2021). Stochastic model for drought analysis of the Colorado River Basin. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.
Osenga, E. C., Vano, J. A., and Arnott, J. C. (2021). A community‐supported weather and soil moisture monitoring database of the Roaring Fork catchment of the Colorado River Headwaters. Hydrological Processes, 35(3).
Pierce, D. W., Cayan, D. R., Goodrich, J., Das, T., and Munévar, A. (2021). Evaluating Global Climate Models for Hydrological Studies of the Upper Colorado River Basin. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, n/a(n/a).
Simpson, I. R., McKinnon, K. A., Davenport, F. V., et al. (2021). Emergent constraints on the large scale atmospheric circulation and regional hydroclimate: Do they still work in CMIP6 and how much can they actually constrain the future? Journal of Climate, 1–62.
Stevens, A., Willett, R., Mamalakis, A., et al. (2021). Graph-Guided Regularized Regression of Pacific Ocean Climate Variables to Increase Predictive Skill of Southwestern U.S. Winter Precipitation. Journal of Climate, 34(2), 737–754.
Szejner, P., Belmecheri, S., Babst, F., et al. (2021). Stable isotopes of tree rings reveal seasonal-to-decadal patterns during the emergence of a megadrought in the Southwestern US. Oecologia.
Towler, E., and Yates, D. (2021). Incorporating multiyear temperature predictions for water resources planning. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 60(2), 171–183.
Williams, A. P., Anchukaitis, K. J., Woodhouse, C. A., et al. (2021). Tree Rings and Observations Suggest No Stable Cycles in Sierra Nevada Cool‐Season Precipitation. Water Resources Research, 57(3).
Xiao, M., and Lettenmaier, D. P. (2021). Atmospheric Rivers and Snow Accumulation in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(16), e2021GL094265.
Zhang, F., Biederman, J. A., Dannenberg, M. P., et al. (2021). Five Decades of Observed Daily Precipitation Reveal Longer and More Variable Drought Events Across Much of the Western United States. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(7).
Zhao, S., and Zhang, J. (2021). Causal effect of the tropical Pacific sea surface temperature on the Upper Colorado River Basin spring precipitation. Climate Dynamics.
Hydrology and water availability
Baker, S. A., Rajagopalan, B., and Wood, A. W. (2021). Enhancing Ensemble Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in the Upper Colorado River Basin Using Multi‐Model Climate Forecasts. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 57(6), 906–922.
Brice, B., Guiterman, C. H., Woodhouse, C., et al. (2021). Comparing tree-ring based reconstructions of snowpack variability at different scales for the Navajo Nation. Climate Services, 22, 100213.
Darvishi, M., Destouni, G., Aminjafari, S., and Jaramillo, F. (2021). Multi-Sensor InSAR Assessment of Ground Deformations around Lake Mead and Its Relation to Water Level Changes. Remote Sensing, 13(3), 406.
Day, N. K. (2021). Assessment of streamflow and water quality in the Upper Yampa River Basin, Colorado, 1992–2018 (Report No. 2021–5016; Scientific Investigations Report). USGS Publications Warehouse.
Elias, E., James, D., Heimel, S., et al. (2021). Implications of observed changes in high mountain snow water storage, snowmelt timing and melt window. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 35, 100799.
Fleming, S. W., Garen, D. C., Goodbody, A. G., McCarthy, C. S., and Landers, L. C. (2021). Assessing the new Natural Resources Conservation Service water supply forecast model for the American West: A challenging test of explainable, automated, ensemble artificial intelligence. Journal of Hydrology, 602, 126782.
Fleming, S. W., Vesselinov, V. V., and Goodbody, A. G. (2021). Augmenting geophysical interpretation of data-driven operational water supply forecast modeling for a western US river using a hybrid machine learning approach. Journal of Hydrology, 597, 126327.
Heldmyer, A., Livneh, B., Molotch, N., and Rajagopalan, B. (2021). Investigating the Relationship Between Peak Snow‐Water Equivalent and Snow Timing Indices in the Western United States and Alaska. Water Resources Research, 57(5).
Hwang, J., Kumar, H., Ruhi, A., Sankarasubramanian, A., and Devineni, N. (2021). Quantifying Dam-Induced Fluctuations in Streamflow Frequencies Across the Colorado River Basin. Water Resources Research, 57(10), e2021WR029753.
Lackner, C. P., Geerts, B., and Wang, Y. (2021). Impact of global warming on snow in ski areas: A case study using a regional climate simulation over the interior western United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.
Li, Y., Gao, H., Allen, G. H., and Zhang, Z. (2021). Constructing Reservoir Area–Volume–Elevation Curve from TanDEM-X DEM Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 2249–2257.
Mankin, J. S., Simpson, I., Hoell, A., et al. (2021). NOAA Drought Task Force Report on the 2020-2021 Southwestern U.S. Drought. NOAA Drought Task Force, MAPP, and NIDIS. 20 pp.
McCabe, G. J., and Wolock, D. M. (2021). Water balance of the turn-of-the-century drought in the Southwestern United States. Environmental Research Letters, 16(4), 044015.
McKinnon, K. A., Poppick, A., and Simpson, I. R. (2021). Hot extremes have become drier in the United States Southwest. Nature Climate Change, 11(7), 598–604.
Miller, O. L., Miller, M. P., Longley, P. C., et al. (2021). How Will Baseflow Respond to Climate Change in the Upper Colorado River Basin? Geophysical Research Letters, 48(22).
Miller, O. L., Putman, A. L., Alder, J., et al. (2021). Changing climate drives future streamflow declines and challenges in meeting water demand across the southwestern United States. Journal of Hydrology X, 11, 100074.
Musselman, K. N., Addor, N., Vano, J. A., and Molotch, N. P. (2021). Winter melt trends portend widespread declines in snow water resources. Nature Climate Change, 11(5), 418–424.
Peters-Lidard, C. D., Rose, K. C., Kiang, J. E., et al. (2021). Indicators of climate change impacts on the water cycle and water management. Climatic Change, 165(1–2), 36.
Sabol, T. A., Griffiths, R. E., Topping, D. J., et al. (2021). Strandlines from large floods on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (Report No. 2021–5048; Scientific Investigations Report, p. 41). USGS Publications Warehouse.
Scanlon, B. R., Rateb, A., Pool, D. R., et al. (2021). Effects of climate and irrigation on GRACE-based estimates of water storage changes in major US aquifers. Environmental Research Letters, 16(9), 094009.
Schrock, I. J. Y., Fassnacht, S. R., Collados-Lara, A.-J., et al. (2021). Snow Water Equivalent Accumulation Patterns from a Trajectory Approach over the U.S. Southern Rocky Mountains. Hydrology, 8(3), 124.
Siirila-Woodburn, E. R., Rhoades, A. M., Hatchett, B. J., et al. (2021). A low-to-no snow future and its impacts on water resources in the western United States. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, 2(11), 800–819.
Swanson, R. K., Springer, A. E., Kreamer, D. K., et al. (2021). Quantifying the base flow of the Colorado River: Its importance in sustaining perennial flow in northern Arizona and southern Utah (USA). Hydrogeology Journal, 29(2), 723–736. ($)
Unema, J. A., Topping, D. J., Kohl, K. A., Pillow, M. J., and Caster, J. J. (2021). Historical floods and geomorphic change in the lower Little Colorado River during the late 19th to early 21st centuries (Report No. 2021–5049; Scientific Investigations Report, p. 34). USGS Publications Warehouse.
Woodhouse, C. A., Smith, R. M., McAfee, S. A., et al. (2021). Upper Colorado River Basin 20th century droughts under 21st century warming: Plausible scenarios for the future. Climate Services, 21, 100206.
Woodson, D., Rajagopalan, B., Baker, S., et al. (2021). Stochastic Decadal Projections of Colorado River Streamflow and Reservoir Pool Elevations Conditioned on Temperature Projections. Water Resources Research, 57(12), e2021WR030936.
Yin, G., Forman, B. A., and Wang, J. (2021). Assimilation of Ground-Based GPS Observations of Vertical Displacement into a Land Surface Model to Improve Terrestrial Water Storage Estimates. Water Resources Research, 57(2), e2020WR028763.
Zhao, S., Fu, R., Zhuang, Y., and Wang, G. (2021). Long-Lead Seasonal Prediction of Streamflow over the Upper Colorado River Basin: The Role of the Pacific Sea Surface Temperature and Beyond. Journal of Climate, 34(16), 6855–6873.
Water management, planning, and policy
Butler, A., Fulp, T., Prairie, J., and Witherall, A. (2021). Water Resources Management in the Colorado River Basin. In Handbook of Catchment Management 2e (pp. 441–463). John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
Fleck, J., and Castle, A. (2021). Green Light for Adaptive Policies on the Colorado River. Water, 14(1), 2.
Fleck, J., and Udall, B. (2021). Managing Colorado River risk. Science, 372(6545), 885–885.
Garcia, M., and Islam, S. (2021). Water stress and water salience: Implications for water supply planning. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66(6), 919–934.
Gerlak, A. K., Jacobs, K. L., McCoy, A. L., et al. (2021). Scenario Planning: Embracing the Potential for Extreme Events in the Colorado River Basin. Climatic Change, 165(1–2), 27.
Gerlak, A. K., Karambelkar, S., and Ferguson, D. B. (2021). Knowledge governance and learning: Examining challenges and opportunities in the Colorado River basin. Environmental Science and Policy, 125, 219–230.
Gilson, G., and Garrick, D. (2021). Can Philanthropy Enable Collective Action to Conserve Rivers? Insights from a Decade of Collaboration in the Colorado River Basin. Conservation and Society, 19(3), 190.
Hung, F., and Yang, Y. C. E. (2021). Assessing Adaptive Irrigation Impacts on Water Scarcity in Nonstationary Environments—A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach. Water Resources Research, 57(9), e2020WR029262.
Kwon, K., and Gimbel, J. (2021). Quenching Thirst in the Colorado River Basin. Colorado Water Center, Colorado State University, July 2021. 68 p.
MacDonnell, L. J. (2021). Colorado River Basin.
MacDonnell, L. J. (2021). The Law of the Colorado River: Coping with Severe Sustained Drought, Part II.
MacDonnell, L. (2021). Sources of Controversy in the Law of the Colorado River: An Upper Basin View.
Milman, A., Bonnell, C., Maguire, R., Sorensen, K., and Blomquist, W. (2021). Groundwater Recharge for Water Security. Case Studies in the Environment, 5(1), 1113999.
Rivera-Torres, M., and Gerlak, A. K. (2021). Evolving together: Transboundary water governance in the Colorado River Basin. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 21(4), 553–574.
Rivera-Torres, M., Gerlak, A. K., and Jacobs, K. L. (2021). Lesson learning in the Colorado River Basin. Water International, 1–11.
Rosenberg, D. E. (2021). Adapt Lake Mead Releases to Inflow to Give Managers More Flexibility to Slow Reservoir Draw Down. Paper 170, Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, September 2021. 10 p.
Spivak, D. S. (2021). The Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan. Natural Resources Journal, 61, 33.
Tanana, H., Garcia, J., Olaya, A., et al. (2021). Universal Access to Clean Water for Tribes in the Colorado River Basin. Water and Tribes Initiative, Colorado River Basin.
Wang, J., and Rosenberg, D. E. (2021). Living Within Our Means: Adapting Colorado River Basin Depletions to Available Water. Paper 171, Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, 2021. 25 p.
Wheeler, K., Kuhn, E., Bruckerhoff, L., et al. (2021). Alternative Management Paradigms for the Future of the Colorado and Green Rivers. White Paper 6, Future of the Colorado River Project, Center for Colorado River Studies, Utah State University. 91 pp.
Water use
Cabot, P., Derwingson, A., and Torres-Rua, A. (2021). Evaluating Conserved-Consumptive Use in the Upper Colorado Basin. Colorado Water Conservation Board, November 2021.
Earp, K. J., and Moreo, M. T. (2021). Evaporation from Lake Mead and Lake Mohave, Nevada and Arizona, 2010–2019 (Open-File Report No. 2021–1022; 48 p.). U.S. Geological Survey.
Melton, F. S., Huntington, J., Grimm, R., et al. (2021). OpenET: Filling a Critical Data Gap in Water Management for the Western United States. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1752-1688.12956.
Norton, C. L., Dannenberg, M. P., Yan, D., et al. (2021). Climate and Socioeconomic Factors Drive Irrigated Agriculture Dynamics in the Lower Colorado River Basin. Remote Sensing, 13(9), 1659.
Water quality and sediment
Cavallin, J. E., Battaglin, W. A., Beihoffer, J., et al. (2021). Effects-Based Monitoring of Bioactive Chemicals Discharged to the Colorado River before and after a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement. Environmental Science and Technology, 55(2), 974–984.
Cederberg, J. R., Paretti, N. V., Coes, A. L., Hermosillo, E., and Andrade, L. (2021). Estimation of dissolved-solids concentrations using continuous water-quality monitoring and regression models at four sites in the Yuma area, Arizona and California, January 2017 through March 2019 (Report No. 2021–5080; Scientific Investigations Report, p. 26). USGS Publications Warehouse.
Day, N. K. (2021). Assessment of streamflow and water quality in the Upper Yampa River Basin, Colorado, 1992–2018 (Report No. 2021–5016; Scientific Investigations Report). USGS Publications Warehouse.
Hannoun, D., Tietjen, T., & Brooks, K. (2021). The potential effects of climate change and drawdown on a newly constructed drinking water intake: Study case in Las Vegas, NV, USA. Water Utility Journal, 27, 1–13.
Kasprak, A., Sankey, J. B., and Butterfield, B. J. (2021). Future regulated flows of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon foretell decreased areal extent of sediment and increases in riparian vegetation. Environmental Research Letters, 16(1), 014029.
Mueller, E. R., and Grams, P. E. (2021). A Morphodynamic Model to Evaluate Long‐Term Sandbar Rebuilding Using Controlled Floods in the Grand Canyon. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(9).
Rumsey, C. A., Miller, O., Hirsch, R. M., et al. (2021). Substantial Declines in Salinity Observed Across the Upper Colorado River Basin During the 20th Century, 1929–2019. Water Resources Research, 57(5).
Ecosystems and environment
Abernethy, E. F., Muehlbauer, J. D., Kennedy, T. A., et al. (2021). Hydropeaking intensity and dam proximity limit aquatic invertebrate diversity in the Colorado River Basin. Ecosphere, 12(6).
Alizadeh, M. R., Abatzoglou, J. T., Luce, C. H., et al. (2021). Warming enabled upslope advance in western US forest fires. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(22), e2009717118.
Bransky, N., Sankey, T., B. Sankey, J., et al. (2021). Monitoring Tamarix Changes Using WorldView-2 Satellite Imagery in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. Remote Sensing, 13(5), 958.
DeLuca, W. V., Meehan, T., Seavy, et al. (2021). The Colorado River Delta and California’s Central Valley are critical regions for many migrating North American landbirds. Ornithological Applications, 123(1).
Dibble, K. L., Yackulic, C. B., Kennedy, T. A., et al. (2021). Water storage decisions will determine the distribution and persistence of imperiled river fishes. Ecological Applications, 31(2).
Durning, L. E., Sankey, J. B., Yackulic, C. B., et al. (2021). Hydrologic and geomorphic effects on riparian plant species occurrence and encroachment: Remote sensing of 360 km of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Ecohydrology, 14(8).
Heidari, H., Warziniack, T., Brown, T. C., and Arabi, M. (2021). Impacts of Climate Change on Hydroclimatic Conditions of U.S. National Forests and Grasslands. Forests, 12(2), 139.
Hooley‐Underwood, Z. E., Thompson, K. G., and Bestgen, K. R. (2021). Razorback Sucker Spawning in an Intermittent Colorado Tributary. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 41(4), 1151–1158.
Kasprak, A., Sankey, J. B., and Butterfield, B. J. (2021). Future regulated flows of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon foretell decreased areal extent of sediment and increases in riparian vegetation. Environmental Research Letters, 16(1), 014029.
Koehn, C. R., Petrie, M. D., Bradford, J. B., et al. (2021). Seasonal Precipitation and Soil Moisture Relationships Across Forests and Woodlands in the Southwestern United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(4).
Lomeli-Banda, M. A., Ramírez-Hernández, J., Rodríguez-Burgueño, J. E., and Salazar-Briones, C. (2021). The role of hydrological processes in ecosystem conservation: Comprehensive water management for a wetland in an arid climate. Hydrological Processes, 35(2), e14013.
Nagler, P. L., Barreto-Muñoz, A., Chavoshi Borujeni, S., et al. (2021). Riparian Area Changes in Greenness and Water Use on the Lower Colorado River in the USA from 2000 to 2020. Remote Sensing, 13(7), 1332.
Palmquist, E. C., Allan, G. J., Ogle, K., et al. (2021). Riverine complexity and life history inform restoration in riparian environments in the southwestern U.S. Restoration Ecology.
Pennock, C. A., Ahrens, Z. T., McKinstry, M. C., Budy, P., and Gido, K. B. (2021). Trophic niches of native and nonnative fishes along a river-reservoir continuum. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 12140. --- Pennock, C. A., and Gido, K. B. (2021). Spatial and temporal dynamics of fish assemblages in a desert reservoir over 38 years. Hydrobiologia, 848(6), 1231–1248.
Tonkin, J. D., Olden, J. D., Merritt, D. M., et al. (2021). Designing flow regimes to support entire river ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 19(6), 326–333.
Waldo, S., Deemer, B. R., Bair, L. S., and Beaulieu, J. J. (2021). Greenhouse gas emissions from an arid-zone reservoir and their environmental policy significance: Results from existing global models and an exploratory dataset. Environmental Science and Policy, 120, 53–62.
Zamora, H. A., Eastoe, C. J., McIntosh, J. C., and Flessa, K. W. (2021). Groundwater Origin and Dynamics on the Eastern Flank of the Colorado River Delta, Mexico. Hydrology, 8(2), 80.
Societal and economic issues
Tanana, H., Garcia, J., Olaya, A., et al. (2021). Universal Access to Clean Water for Tribes in the Colorado River Basin. Water and Tribes Initiative, Colorado River Basin.
Cross-cutting reports
Lukas, J., and Payton, E. (2020). Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (p. 531). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado Boulder.
- Individual report chapters (2-11) are separately listed in their respective categories below
Weather and climate
AghaKouchak, A., Chiang, F., Huning, L. S., et al. (2020). Climate Extremes and Compound Hazards in a Warming World. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 48(1), 519–548.
Ault, T. R. (2020). On the essentials of drought in a changing climate. Science, 368(6488), 256–260.
Baker, S. A., Wood, A. W., and Rajagopalan, B. (2020). Application of Postprocessing to Watershed-Scale Subseasonal Climate Forecasts over the Contiguous United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21(5), 971–987.
Chikamoto, Y., Wang, S.-Y. S., Yost, M., Yocom, L., and Gillies, R. R. (2020). Colorado River water supply is predictable on multi-year timescales owing to long-term ocean memory. Nature Communications Earth and Environment, 1(1), 26.
Foster, L. M., Williams, K. H., and Maxwell, R. M. (2020). Resolution matters when modeling climate change in headwaters of the Colorado River. Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), 104031.
Gibson, P. B., Waliser, D. E., Guan, B., et al. (2020). Ridging Associated with Drought across the Western and Southwestern United States: Characteristics, Trends, and Predictability Sources. Journal of Climate, 33(7), 2485–2508.
Hausfather, Z., and Peters, G. P. (2020). Emissions – the ‘business as usual’ story is misleading. Nature, 577(7792), 618–620. ($)
Kirchmeier-Young, M. C., and Zhang, X. (2020). Human influence has intensified extreme precipitation in North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(24), 13308–13313.
Kunkel, K. E., Karl, T. R., Squires, M. F., et al. (2020). Precipitation Extremes: Trends and Relationships with Average Precipitation and Precipitable Water in the Contiguous United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59(1), 125–142.
Lukas, J., and Harding, B. (2020). Current Understanding of Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology (Chapter 2). In Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (pp. 42–81). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado.
Lukas, J., Wolter, K., and Barsugli, J. (2020). Weather and Climate Forecasting (Chapter 7). In Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (pp. 254–286). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado.
Mariotti, A., Baggett, C., Barnes, E. A., et al. (2020). Windows of Opportunity for Skillful Forecasts Subseasonal to Seasonal and Beyond. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, BAMS-D-18-0326.1.
McAfee, S. (2020). Observations—Weather and Climate (Chapter 4). In Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (pp. 114–152). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado.
Overpeck, J. T., and Udall, B. (2020). Climate change and the aridification of North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(22), 11856–11858.
Patricola, C. M., O’Brien, J. P., Risser, M. D., et al. (2020). Maximizing ENSO as a source of western US hydroclimate predictability. Climate Dynamics, 54(1–2), 351–372.
Sierks, M. D., Kalansky, J., Cannon, F., and Ralph, F. M. (2020). Characteristics, Origins, and Impacts of Summertime Extreme Precipitation in the Lake Mead Watershed. Journal of Climate, 33(7), 2663–2680.
Stahle, D. W., Cook, E. R., Burnette, D. J., et al. (2020). Dynamics, Variability, and Change in Seasonal Precipitation Reconstructions for North America. Journal of Climate, 33(8), 3173–3195.
Thakur, B., Kalra, A., Lakshmi, V., et al. (2020). Linkage between ENSO phases and western US snow water equivalent. Atmospheric Research, 236, 104827.
Tokarska, K. B., Stolpe, M. B., Sippel, S., et al. (2020). Past warming trend constrains future warming in CMIP6 models. Science Advances, 6(12), eaaz9549.
Williams, A. P., Cook, E. R., Smerdon, J. E., et al. (2020). Large contribution from anthropogenic warming to an emerging North American megadrought. Science, 368(6488), 314–318.
Wood, A., Woelders, L., and Lukas, J. (2020a). Hydrologic Models (Chapter 6). In Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (pp. 221–252). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado.
Wood, A., Woelders, L., and Lukas, J. (2020b). Streamflow Forecasting (Chapter 8). In Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (pp. 287–333). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado.
Woodhouse, C., and Lukas, J. J. (2020). Paleohydrology (Chapter 10). In Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (pp. 361–383). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado.
Hydrology and water availability
Broxton, P. D., Van Leeuwen, W. J. D., and Biederman, J. A. (2020). Forest cover and topography regulate the thin, ephemeral snowpacks of the semiarid Southwest United States. Ecohydrology, 13(4), e2202.
Carroll, R. W. H., Gochis, D., and Williams, K. H. (2020). Efficiency of the Summer Monsoon in Generating Streamflow Within a Snow‐Dominated Headwater Basin of the Colorado River. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(23).
Condon, L. E., Atchley, A. L., and Maxwell, R. M. (2020). Evapotranspiration depletes groundwater under warming over the contiguous United States. Nature Communications, 11(1), 873.
Davenport, F. V., Herrera‐Estrada, J. E., Burke, M., and Diffenbaugh, N. S. (2020). Flood Size Increases Nonlinearly Across the Western United States in Response to Lower Snow‐Precipitation Ratios. Water Resources Research, 56(1).
Dethier, E. N., Sartain, S. L., Renshaw, C. E., and Magilligan, F. J. (2020). Spatially coherent regional changes in seasonal extreme streamflow events in the United States and Canada since 1950. Science Advances, 6(49), eaba5939.
Hammond, J. C., and Kampf, S. K. (2020). Subannual Streamflow Responses to Rainfall and Snowmelt Inputs in Snow‐Dominated Watersheds of the Western United States. Water Resources Research, 56(4).
Kohn, M. S., Marineu, M. D., Hempel, L. A., and McDonald, R. R. (2020). Incipient Bed-Movement and Flood-Frequency Analysis using Hydrophones to Estimate Flushing Flows on the Upper Colorado River, Colorado, 2019 (Scientific Investigations Report No. 2020–5069; Scientific Investigations Report, p. 50). U.S. Geological Survey.
Liu, T., Greenbaum, N., Baker, V. R., et al. (2020). Paleoflood hydrology on the lower Green River, upper Colorado River Basin, USA: An example of a naturalist approach to flood-risk analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 580, 124337. [select "View Open Manuscript" if no institutional access]
Liu, T., Ji, L., Baker, V. R., Harden, T. M., and Cline, M. L. (2020). Holocene extreme paleofloods and their climatological context, Upper Colorado River Basin, USA. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, 44(5), 727–745.
Livneh, B., and Badger, A. M. (2020). Drought less predictable under declining future snowpack. Nature Climate Change, 10(5), 452–458.
Lopez‐Cantu, T., Prein, A. F., and Samaras, C. (2020). Uncertainties in Future U.S. Extreme Precipitation From Downscaled Climate Projections. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(9).
Lukas, J., Gutmann, E., Harding, B., and Lehner, F. (2020). Climate Change-Informed Hydrology (Chapter 11). In Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (pp. 384–449). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado.
Lukas, J., and Harding, B. (2020). Current Understanding of Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology (Chapter 2). In Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (pp. 42–81). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado.
Lukas, J., Payton, E., Deems, J., Rangwala, I., and Duncan, B. (2020). Observations—Hydrology (Chapter 5). In Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (pp. 154–219). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado.
Martin, J. T., Pederson, G. T., Woodhouse, C. A., et al. (2020). Increased drought severity tracks warming in the United States’ largest river basin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(21), 11328–11336.
McCabe, G. J., and Wolock, D. M. (2020). The Water‐Year Water Balance of the Colorado River Basin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 56(4), 724–737.
McCabe, G. J., Wolock, D. M., Woodhouse, C. A., et al. (2020). Basinwide Hydroclimatic Drought in the Colorado River Basin. Earth Interactions, 24(2), 1–20.
Milly, P. C. D., and Dunne, K. A. (2020). Colorado River flow dwindles as warming-driven loss of reflective snow energizes evaporation. Science.
Nelson, S. M., Kendy, E., Flessa, K. W., et al. (2020). Channel incision by headcut migration: Reconnection of the Colorado River to its estuary and the Gulf of California during the floods of 1979–1988. Hydrological Processes, 34(22), 4156–4174.
O’Leary, D. S., Hall, D. K., DiGirolamo, N. E., and Riggs, G. A. (2020). Regional trends in snowmelt timing for the western United States throughout the MODIS era. Physical Geography, 1–23.
Overpeck, J. T., and Udall, B. (2020). Climate change and the aridification of North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(22), 11856–11858.
Payton, E. (2020). Historical Hydrology (Chapter 9). In Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (pp. 337–360). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado.
Penn, C. A., Clow, D. W., Sexstone, G. A., and Murphy, S. F. (2020). Changes in Climate and Land Cover Affect Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in the Rio Grande Headwaters. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 56(5), 882–902.
Rateb, A., Scanlon, B. R., Pool, D. R., et al. (2020). Comparison of Groundwater Storage Changes From GRACE Satellites With Monitoring and Modeling of Major U.S. Aquifers. Water Resources Research, 56(12).
Reclamation. (2020). Exploring Climate and Hydrology Projections from the CMIP5 Archive. (Draft report.) US Bureau of Reclamation. [unreleased as of June 2021]
Robeson, S. M., Maxwell, J. T., and Ficklin, D. L. (2020). Bias Correction of Paleoclimatic Reconstructions: A New Look at 1,200+ Years of Upper Colorado River Flow. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(1).
Robles, M. D., Hammond, J. C., Kampf, S. K., Biederman, J. A., and Demaria, E. M. C. (2020). Winter Inputs Buffer Streamflow Sensitivity to Snowpack Losses in the Salt River Watershed in the Lower Colorado River Basin. Water, 13(1), 3.
Salehabadi, H., Tarboton, D., Kuhn, E., et al. (2020). The future hydrology of the Colorado River Basin. Future of the Colorado River Project, White Paper No. 4. Center for Colorado River Studies, Utah State University. 71 pp.
Solder, J. E., Beisner, K. R., Anderson, J., and Bills, D. J. (2020). Rethinking groundwater flow on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, USA: Characterizing recharge sources and flow paths with environmental tracers. Hydrogeology Journal, 28(5), 1593–1613.
Swain, D. L., Wing, O. E. J., Bates, P. D., et al. (2020). Increased Flood Exposure Due to Climate Change and Population Growth in the United States. Earth’s Future, 8(11).
Tillman, F. D., Gangopadhyay, S., and Pruitt, T. (2020b). Recent and projected precipitation and temperature changes in the Grand Canyon area with implications for groundwater resources. Nature Scientific Reports, 10(1), 19740.
Tran, H., Zhang, J., Cohard, J., Condon, L. E., and Maxwell, R. M. (2020). Simulating Groundwater‐Streamflow Connections in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Groundwater, 58(3), 392–405.
Wang, J., and Schmidt, J. C. (2020). Stream flow and Losses of the Colorado River in the Southern Colorado Plateau. White Paper 5, Future of the Colorado River Project, Center for Colorado River Studies, Utah State University.
Webb, R. W., Raleigh, M. S., McGrath, D., et al. (2020). Within‐Stand Boundary Effects on Snow Water Equivalent Distribution in Forested Areas. Water Resources Research, 56(10).
Water management, planning, and policy
Escriva-Bou, A., McCann, H., Hanak, E., et al. (2020). Water Accounting in Western US, Australia, and Spain: Comparative Analysis. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146(3), 04020004.
Garcia, M., Ridolfi, E., and Di Baldassarre, G. (2020). The interplay between reservoir storage and operating rules under evolving conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125270.
Hadjimichael, A., Quinn, J., Wilson, et al. (2020). Defining Robustness, Vulnerabilities, and Consequential Scenarios for Diverse Stakeholder Interests in Institutionally Complex River Basins. Earth’s Future, 8(7).
Hobbins, M., and Barsugli, J. (2020). Threatening the vigor of the Colorado River. Science, 367(6483), 1192–1193. ($)
Joshi, N., Tamaddun, K., Parajuli, R., et al. (2020). Future Changes in Water Supply and Demand for Las Vegas Valley: A System Dynamic Approach based on CMIP3 and CMIP5 Climate Projections. Hydrology, 7(1), 16.
Juricich, R. (2020). Colorado River Basin Governance, Decision Making, and Alternative Approaches. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2020, 121–130.
Karambelkar, S., and Gerlak, A. K. (2020). Collaborative Governance and Stakeholder Participation in the Colorado River Basin: An Examination of Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion. Natural Resources Journal, 60(1), 47.
Khatri, K. B., and Strong, C. (2020). Climate Change, Water Resources, and Potential Adaptation Strategies in Utah. Utah Division of Water Resources.
Mumme, S. P. (2020). The 1944 Water Treaty and the Incorporation of Environmental Values in U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Water Governance. Environmental Science and Policy, 112, 126–133. ($)
Nelson, D. R., Bledsoe, B. P., and Marshall Shepherd, J. (2020). From hubris to humility: Transcending original sin in managing hydroclimatic risk. Anthropocene, 30, 100239.
Nielsen‐Gammon, J. W., Banner, J. L., Cook, B. I., et al. (2020). Unprecedented Drought Challenges for Texas Water Resources in a Changing Climate: What Do Researchers and Stakeholders Need to Know? Earth’s Future, 8(8).
Page, R., and Dilling, L. (2020). How experiences of climate extremes motivate adaptation among water managers. Climatic Change, 161(3), 499–516.
Payton, E., Smith, R., Jerla, C., and Prairie, J. (2020). Primary Planning Tools (Chapter 3). In Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science (pp. 82–111). Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado.
Reclamation. (2020). Draft 7D Report—Review of the Colorado River Interim Guidelines for Lower Basin Shortages and Coordinated Operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead, Upper and Lower Colorado Basin Regions. US Bureau of Reclamation.
Richter, B. D., Andrews, S., Dahlinghaus, R., et al. (2020). Buy Me a River: Purchasing Water Rights to Restore River Flows in the Western USA. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 56(1), 1–15.
Rightnar, J., and Dinar, A. (2020). The Welfare Implications of Bankruptcy Allocation of the Colorado River Water: The Case of the Salton Sea Region. Water Resources Management, 34(8), 2353–2370.
Sterle, K., Jose, L., Coors, S., et al. (2020). Collaboratively Modeling Reservoir Reoperation to Adapt to Earlier Snowmelt Runoff. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146(1), 05019021.
Wang, J., Rosenberg, D. E., Wheeler, K. G., and Schmidt, J. C. (2020). Managing the Colorado River for an Uncertain Future. White Paper 3, Future of the Colorado River Project, Center for Colorado River Studies, Utah State University.
Yang, Y. C. E., Son, K., Hung, F., and Tidwell, V. (2020). Impact of climate change on adaptive management decisions in the face of water scarcity. Journal of Hydrology, 588, 125015. [select "View Open Manuscript" if no institutional access]
Water use
Joshi, N., Tamaddun, K., Parajuli, R., et al. (2020). Future Changes in Water Supply and Demand for Las Vegas Valley: A System Dynamic Approach based on CMIP3 and CMIP5 Climate Projections. Hydrology, 7(1), 16.
Richter, B. D., Benoit, K., Dugan, J., et al. (2020). Decoupling Urban Water Use and Growth in Response to Water Scarcity. Water, 12(10), 2868.
Richter, B. D., Bartak, D., Caldwell, P., et al. (2020). Water scarcity and fish imperilment driven by beef production. Nature Sustainability, 3(4), 319–328.
Zhang, B., Xia, Y., Long, B., et al. (2020). Evaluation and comparison of multiple evapotranspiration data models over the contiguous United States: Implications for the next phase of NLDAS (NLDAS-Testbed) development. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 280, 107810. [select "View Open Manuscript" if no institutional access]
Water quality and sediment
Carbajal, N., Ley, Y. M.-, Soto-Jiménez, M., Páez-Osuna, F., and Tuxpan, J. (2020). Finger-like plumes of suspended sediment in the Colorado River Delta, Gulf of California. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 245, 106996.
Dean, D. J., Topping, D. J., Grams, P. E., Walker, A. E., and Schmidt, J. C. (2020). Does Channel Narrowing by Floodplain Growth Necessarily Indicate Sediment Surplus? Lessons From Sediment Transport Analyses in the Green and Colorado Rivers, Canyonlands, Utah. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125(11).
Deemer, B. R., Stets, E. G., and Yackulic, C. B. (2020). Calcite precipitation in Lake Powell reduces alkalinity and total salt loading to the Lower Colorado River Basin. Limnology and Oceanography, 65(7), 1439–1455.
East, A. E., and Sankey, J. B. (2020). Geomorphic and Sedimentary Effects of Modern Climate Change: Current and Anticipated Future Conditions in the Western United States. Reviews of Geophysics, 58(4).
Grams, P. E., Dean, D. J., Walker, A. E., Kasprak, A., and Schmidt, J. C. (2020). The roles of flood magnitude and duration in controlling channel width and complexity on the Green River in Canyonlands, Utah, USA. Geomorphology, 371, 107438.
Hensley, R. T., Spangler, M. J., DeVito, L. F., et al. (2020). Evaluating spatiotemporal variation in water chemistry of the upper Colorado River using longitudinal profiling. Hydrological Processes, 34(8), 1782–1793.
Mihalevich, B. A., Neilson, B. T., Buahin, C. A., Yackulic, C. B., and Schmidt, J. C. (2020). Water Temperature Controls for Regulated Canyon‐Bound Rivers. Water Resources Research, 56(12).
Rubin, D. M., Buscombe, D., Wright, S. A., et al. (2020). Causes of Variability in Suspended‐Sand Concentration Evaluated Using Measurements in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125(9).
Saber, A., James, D. E., and Hayes, D. F. (2020). Long‐term forecast of water temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles in deep lakes using artificial neural networks conjugated with wavelet transform. Limnology and Oceanography, 65(6), 1297–1317.
Walker, A. E., Moore, J. N., Grams, P. E., Dean, D. J., and Schmidt, J. C. (2020). Channel narrowing by inset floodplain formation of the lower Green River in the Canyonlands region, Utah. GSA Bulletin.
Ecosystems and environment
Arcusa, S. H., McKay, N. P., Routson, C. C., and Munoz, S. E. (2020). Dust-drought interactions over the last 15,000 years: A network of lake sediment records from the San Juan Mountains, Colorado. The Holocene, 30(4), 559–574.
Baldwin, A. K., Spanjer, A. R., Rosen, M. R., and Thom, T. (2020). Microplastics in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, USA: Occurrence and biological uptake. PLOS ONE, 15(5), e0228896.
Butterfield, B. J., Grams, P. E., Durning, L. E., et al. (2020). Associations between riparian plant morphological guilds and fluvial sediment dynamics along the regulated Colorado River in Grand Canyon. River Research and Applications, 36(3), 410–421.
Day, N. K., Schmidt, T. S., Roberts, J. J., et al. (2020). Mercury and selenium concentrations in fishes of the Upper Colorado River Basin, southwestern United States: A retrospective assessment. PLOS ONE, 15(1), e0226824.
Diehl, R. M., Wilcox, A. C., and Stella, J. C. (2020). Evaluation of the integrated riparian ecosystem response to future flow regimes on semiarid rivers in Colorado, USA. Journal of Environmental Management, 271, 111037.
Goeking, S. A., and Tarboton, D. G. (2020). Forests and Water Yield: A Synthesis of Disturbance Effects on Streamflow and Snowpack in Western Coniferous Forests. Journal of Forestry, 118(2), 172–192.
Gómez‐Sapiens, M. M., Jarchow, C. J., Flessa, K. W., et al. (2020). Effect of an environmental flow on vegetation growth and health using ground and remote sensing metrics. Hydrological Processes, 34(8), 1682–1696.
Healy, B. D., Omana Smith, E. C., Schelly, R. C., Trammell, M. A., and Nelson, C. B. (2020). Establishment of a Reproducing Population of Endangered Humpback Chub through Translocations to a Colorado River Tributary in Grand Canyon, Arizona. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 40(1), 278–292.
Kegerries, R. B., Albrecht, B., McKinstry, M. C., et al. (2020). Small-Bodied Fish Surveys Demonstrate Native Fish Dominance Over 300 Kilometers of the Colorado River Through Grand Canyon, Arizona. Western North American Naturalist, 80(2), 146.
Mayes, M., Caylor, K. K., Singer, M. B., et al. (2020). Climate sensitivity of water use by riparian woodlands at landscape scales. Hydrological Processes, 34(25), 4884–4903.
Nagler, P. L., Barreto‐Muñoz, A., Chavoshi Borujeni, S., et al. (2020). Ecohydrological responses to surface flow across borders: Two decades of changes in vegetation greenness and water use in the riparian corridor of the Colorado River delta. Hydrological Processes, 34(25), 4851–4883.
Pennock, C. A., McKinstry, M. C., Cathcart, C. N., et al. (2020). Movement ecology of imperilled fish in a novel ecosystem: River‐reservoir movements by razorback sucker and translocations to aid conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30(8), 1540–1551.
Scamardo, J., and Wohl, E. (2020). Sediment storage and shallow groundwater response to beaver dam analogues in the Colorado Front Range, USA. River Research and Applications, 36(3), 398–409.
Stevens, L. E., Jenness, J., and Ledbetter, J. D. (2020). Springs and Springs-Dependent Taxa of the Colorado River Basin, Southwestern North America: Geography, Ecology and Human Impacts. Water, 12(5), 1501.
Szejner, P., Belmecheri, S., Ehleringer, J. R., and Monson, R. K. (2020). Recent increases in drought frequency cause observed multi-year drought legacies in the tree rings of semi-arid forests. Oecologia, 192(1), 241–259.
Walters, D. M., Cross, W. F., Kennedy, T. A., et al. (2020). Food web controls on mercury fluxes and fate in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon. Science Advances, 6(20), eaaz4880.
Societal and economic issues
Wutich, A., DeMyers, C., Bausch, J. C., White, D. D., and Sullivan, A. (2020). Stakeholders and social influence in a shadow network: Implications for transitions toward urban water sustainability in the Colorado River basin. Ecology and Society, 25(1), art28.