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The Colorado River Science Wiki is a web-based clearinghouse for scientific and technical information relevant to the Colorado River Basin and the management of its water resources and related natural resources. This clearinghouse is intended to be useful to managers and other decision-makers, to researchers, to the media, and to the broader public. Its objectives are to:
- Share recent and ongoing Colorado River research efforts and findings
- Provide up-to-date synthesis of the science relevant to management
- Allow one-stop access to key technical datasets and data tools
- Help inform discussions about the next Interim Guidelines
- Engage the greater Colorado River community in a joint information-gathering effort
The Wiki is still in the early stages of development and will evolve and expand. We welcome your feedback; please use this form to send us suggestions, or reach us at the contact information below.
There are six main sections in the Wiki. Each section can be accessed via the navigation panel on the left side of the page.
Provides up-to-date information across dozens of areas of management-relevant science. Each page has at least the following:
- Summary description of the topic
- The topic's relevance to Colorado River water management
- Annotated links to datasets, tools, and other information and science synthesis on that topic
Collates all of the annotated links to the datasets and tools from Section 1, to make them available in one place.
Lists, by year and by subject, research studies and relevant reports published since 2020.
Describes the legal and policy context in which the science and applications to inform water management are implemented.
Identifies key players in the science-to-applications (aka research-to-operations, or R2O) chain in the basin, and provides links to homepages and other resources.
Provides a very brief introduction to the Colorado River and the challenges that have emerged in the 21st century.
The development of the Wiki is being carried out by Julie Vano and Tanya Petach (Aspen Global Change Institute), Brad Udall (Colorado Water Center, Colorado State University), and Jeff Lukas (Lukas Climate Research and Consulting).
To provide feedback on the Wiki content, please see the Feedback page.
For other questions about the Wiki, please contact Julie (jvano [at] or Brad (Bradley.udall [at]
The development of the Wiki is currently supported by funding from the Bureau of Reclamation’s Upper Colorado River Basin (Interior Region 7) and Lower Colorado Basin (Interior Region 8), as well as in-kind support from Aspen Global Change Institute and the Colorado State University Colorado Water Center.
We are seeking additional funding for the Wiki from the Colorado River community; please contact Julie (jvano [at] if you are interested in supporting this effort.
From 2020 to 2024, the development of the Wiki was also supported by U.S. Geological Survey Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (SW CASC) Grant #G18AC00320, and funding and in-kind support from the Colorado State University Colorado Water Center.